The Landlord and Tenant Board (Ontario)

The Landlord and Tenant Board (Ontario)

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If you're a landlord or tenant in Ontario, it's important to understand the role of the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) - their purpose, function, and jurisdiction.

The Landlord and Tenant Board: What's It All About?

The LTB is an adjudicative tribunal that exists to help regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants in Ontario. They do so by:

  1. Adjudicating disputes between landlords and tenants;
  2. Providing information and resources for both parties;
  3. Enforcing the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), which outlines the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.

Let's dive deeper into each of these functions.

Adjudicating Disputes

When conflicts arise between landlords and tenants, the LTB acts as a neutral party that hears both sides of an issue and makes an informed decision.

Both parties are given an opportunity to put forth arguments, present evidence, and even call witnesses. The adjudicator will listen to both sides and make a decision based on the evidence presented and the relevant law.

An LTB hearing is a formal legal process, and while the rules of evidence and form are more relaxed from a traditional court, parties should still conduct themselves in a respectful and professional manner. A landlord or tenant can choose to represent themselves or hire representation (a paralegal or a lawyer).

Providing Resources

The LTB is not just about resolving disputes; it also plays a role in educating both landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities. To make this information easily accessible, the LTB offers a variety of resources, including:

  • Informative brochures and guides;
  • Interactive e-learning tools;
  • A detailed website with answers to frequently asked questions.

The most valuable of these is their forms. The LTB website includes a database of forms to be used by both landlords and tenants for certain situations such as formal notices to end tenancies, rent increases, eviction applications and more. They can be found at

Enforcing the RTA

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the backbone of landlord-tenant relations in Ontario. The LTB is a legal function of the RTA and enforces such by ensuring that both parties adhere to their obligations under the Act.

In the event of a violation, the LTB has the authority to take corrective action, which may include financial penalties or other remedies.

Common Issues: What Brings People to the LTB?

Now that we've covered the basics of the LTB, let's explore some common issues that may require its intervention:

  1. Rent disputes: Issues related to rent increases, non-payment, or illegal charges;
  2. Evictions: Disagreements over the legal grounds for eviction, such as non-payment of rent or breach of lease terms;
  3. Maintenance and repairs: Conflicts surrounding a landlord's responsibility to maintain a safe and habitable living environment;
  4. Privacy and entry: Disputes over a landlord's right to enter a rental unit and a tenant's right to privacy.

Filing an Application: How to Get the Ball Rolling

If you find yourself in a situation where you need the LTB's help, the first step is to file an application. To do this, you'll need to:

  1. Determine the appropriate application form: The LTB has different forms for various issues, so make sure you choose the right one;
  2. Complete the application: Be thorough, clear, and provide all relevant information and supporting documents;
  3. Pay the required fee: There's a fee associated with each application, which must be paid before your application is processed;
  4. Submit the application: You can do this online, by mail, or in person at an LTB office.

There are strict rules and obligations surrounding the proper execution of these applications and forms. If you're not familiar or comfortable with them, it's best to seek legal advice or representation.

Preparing for a Hearing: Putting Your Best Foot Forward

If your case proceeds to a hearing, it's important to be well-prepared. Here are some tips to help you put your best foot forward:

  1. Gather evidence: Collect all relevant documents, such as leases, notices, correspondence, photos, and receipts;
  2. Organize your thoughts: Create a clear and concise outline of your arguments and the evidence that supports them;
  3. Be punctual: Arrive early to the hearing location and make sure you have everything you need with you;
  4. Understand the process: Familiarize yourself with the LTB hearing process and be prepared to present your case in an orderly fashion.

Receiving a Decision: What Happens Next?

After the hearing, the LTB will issue a written decision, which will be mailed to both parties. This decision may include orders, such as:

  • Payment of rent arrears or compensation;
  • Compliance with lease terms or the RTA;
  • Termination of a tenancy and eviction.

It's important to note that LTB decisions are legally binding, and failure to comply with an order can result in further action, including fines or other penalties.


  • The LTB's primary functions are to adjudicate disputes, provide resources, and enforce the Residential Tenancies Act;
  • Common issues brought to the LTB include rent disputes, evictions, maintenance and repairs, and privacy and entry concerns;
  • To initiate a case with the LTB, you'll need to file an application, pay the required fee, and submit it either online, by mail, or in person;
  • If your case goes to a hearing, prepare by gathering evidence, organizing your thoughts, arriving early, dressing professionally, and understanding the process;
  • The LTB's decision is legally binding, and failure to comply with an order can result in further action.